💱Whitelist Trading Phase

The project could optionally set up a whitelist trading phase for their users.

  • An _beforeTokenTransfer is set up so that only Trading Whitelisted users can purchase tokens on DEX with a preset allocation.

  • The project manages the whitelist trading phase timeline.

/// @notice Before token transfer hook
/// @dev It will call `checkWhitelist` function and if it's succsessful, it will transfer tokens, unless revert
function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal override {
    if (_whitelistContract != address(0)) {
        IWhitelist(_whitelistContract).checkWhitelist(from, to, amount);
    super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount);

Projects could customize their own initial trading mechanism by forking our repo https://github.com/KYRDTeam/ilo-contracts/tree/master.

We also provide an in-app Token Deployment tool Deploy Token.

Last updated